RPG-free Utilities: http://www.jcrcmds.com/jcrdown2.html
* Entire program can now be in free form - except I and O specs
* No longer any need for /Free or /End-Free
* Just leave columns 6 and 7 blank
* Files (dcl-f) can be mixed in with D-specs (no longer have to be first)\\
* /Free and /End-Free no longer required \\
* /Copy and other compiler directives no longer need to start in col 7 \\
* New free form options for:
* H-specs (CTL-OPT)
* F-specs (DCL-F)
* D-specs (DCL-xx)
* Where xx = C, DS, salary = calculatePay(97);
is clearly different from
salary = calculate_Pay(97);
* Is the first one calling a sub and passing 97?
* Or is it assigning the 97th element of an array to **salary**?
* If you always use underscores in sub names, the usage will always be clear
* use UPPERCASE for named constants
* use underscores to separate words
* global variables should rarely be used
* but if you must use them, prefix them with g_
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Prototypes $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Prototypes ************/
* All prototypes should be coded in copy members and include required programs and modules.
* A prototype should never be coded in more than one source member
* EXTPGM keyword can be omitted
* Providing that the program is non-ILE i.e. DFTACTGRP(*YES)
* Program name can be omitted from EXTPGM
* If the program name is the same as the prototype
* Parameter only needed when proto name is different from actual program name
dcl-pr MyProgram; // Used to call 'MYPROGRAM' from non-ILE program
dcl-pr MyProgram ExtPgm; // Calls 'MYPROGRAM' from any program
dcl-pr DifferentName Extpgm('MYPROGRAM'); // Call MYPROGRAM using the name DifferentName
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]SQL $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** SQL ************/
* Run SQL Scripts in IBM i Access Clients Solutions has an SQL formatter
* Keep SQL statements as simple as possible. You do not want to debug a complex SQL statement in an RPG program. Create a view that “hides” the complexity of joins and casting and select from that view in the RPG program.
* Use SET OPTIONS to ensure that the SQL environment is specified correctly at compile time
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Strings $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Strings ************/
IBM recommends VARCHAR strings (for work fields) rather than fixed-length strings
* One obvious advantage is that there is no need to use %TRIM()
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Subprocedures $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Subprocedures ************/
* s/b designed to perform one task (such as calculate_Pay() or get_customerData())
* The subprocedure can call other subprocedures to achieve that task
* can be internal or external (svc pgm or another bound module)
* s/b stand-alone
* local variables
* all needed values s/b passed as parms
dcl-proc DayOfWeek Export;
dcl-pi *N Int(3) ExtProc(*DclCase); // Omit name - use *N placeholder
InputDate Date(*USA) Value;
dcl-s DayNumber int(3);
// Do calcs leaving value in DayNumber
Return DayNumber;
end-proc DayOfWeek;
The biggest advantage of the new support is that you no longer have to flip in and out of fixed and free modes when coding subprocedures. No more /End-Free, P-specs, D-Specs, /Free, logic, /End-Free etc.
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Subroutines $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Subroutines ************/
Subroutines should not be used for modularization/structure. Use subprocedures instead. But subroutines can be useful for organizing the logic in a subprocedure.
===== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Constants $[/hdcolor$]=====
In V7, constants can be used in many more places
* Including field length, decimal places, array dimensions - just about anywhere you would use a literal
dcl-c Digits 7;
dcl-c Decimals 2;
// note how the subfield size is defined using constants
dcl-ds CustomerInfo;
CustomerName VarChar(50);
CustomerBalance Packed( Digits: Decimals);
In older versions, quote characters were assumed (since literals were not allowed)
D myDataArea ds DtaAra(JonsData)
In RPG-free, this assumes that JonsData is a constant
Dcl-Ds myDataArea DtaAra(JonsData);
To point to an external data area, use both UPPERCASE and Quotes
Dcl-Ds myDataArea DtaAra('JONSDATA');
===== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Data Structures $[/hdcolor$]=====
See also the DS sample in the Code Samples section
You can use the LIKEREC keyword to define qualified data structures based on input/output records for an external described file.
===== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Data Declarations (the new D-Specs) $[/hdcolor$]=====
/*********** Data Declarations (the new D-Specs) ************/
D-specs (DCL-xx)
* Where xx = C, DS, PI, PR or S
*xx = DS for Data structures
* In most cases there must also be a matching END-DS
*xx = SUBF for DS subfields - Very Rarely Required
* Code only if field name is a valid free-form op-code
* Yes some strange people do use names like READ or SELECT as field names
*xx = S for Stand-Alone fields
*xx = C for Named Constants
// without the optional CONST keyword
DCL‑C lower_bound ‑50;
DCL‑C max_count 200;
DCL‑C start_letter 'A';
// with the optional CONST keyword
DCL‑C upper_bound CONST(‑50);
DCL‑C min_count CONST(200);
DCL‑C end_letter CONST('A');
Data structure
dcl-ds Address Dim(20) Qualified;
Street1 char(30);
City char(30);
State char(2);
Zip zoned(5); // Zero decimals assumed
ZipPlus zoned(4:0);
end-ds Address; // DS name @ end is optional
Externally-defined DS
dcl-ds product Ext end-ds; // to define on one line, just add end-ds;
Like keyword
// Define using the LIKE keyword
DCL‑S cust_index LIKE(index);
//Specify length adjustment with LIKE keyword
DCL‑S big_index LIKE(index : +6);
Zero decimal is the default
Dcl-S packedNum Packed(7:2);
Dcl-S zonedNum Zoned(7:2);
Dcl-S integer Int(10);
Dcl-S unsigned Uns(10);
Dcl-S float Float(8);
Dcl-S character Char(20);
Dcl-S varyingChar Varchar(20);
Dcl-S dateMDY Date(*MDY);
Dcl-S timeUSA Time(*USA);
Dcl-S indicator Ind;
Dcl-S nastybinary Bindec(9);
===== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]File Declarations (the new F-Specs) $[/hdcolor$]=====
/*********** F-Specs ************/
File Name listed first - followed by device type keyword (if any)
* Device type defaults to DISK - i.e., a Database table
* Device type can be omitted if using an externally described Disk file
Externally described is the default
* File Keyword *EXT can optionally be specified as a parameter
Program described files must specify their record length
* e.g. PRINTER(132) for a program described printer file
Defaults for USAGE are based on device type - more in a moment
* *Input, *Output, *Update (implies *Input), *Delete (implies *Update)
Add KEYED keyword for keyed database (disk) files\\
File name no longer limited to 10 characters
* So meaningful file names can be used
* EXTDESC must be used to specify actual name when different from file name
Usage defaults are based on device type
* Usage(*Input) for DISK
* Usage(*Output) for PRINTER
* Usage(*Input : *Output) for WORKSTN
Dcl-F CUSTMR0 DISK Usage(*Update:*Delete:*Output) Keyed UsrOpn;
Dcl-F SCREEN WORKSTN Usage(*Input:*Output);
Note that some of the above parms are not needed because they are defaults (such as Usage(*Input:*Output); for the WORKSTN)
Samples that allow (i.e., don't redefine) the defaults
DCL-F InvoiceMaster ExtDesc('INVMAST'); // Defaults to Input Disk
DCL-F CustMaster Usage(*Update) Keyed; // Keyed Disk file
DCL-F qPrint Printer(132) OflInd(PageFull); // Program described
DCL-F MyDisplay WorkStn; // Workstation Usage(*Input : *Output)
===== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]H-spec equivalent (called Control Specs) $[/hdcolor$]=====
/*********** H-Specs ************/
Ctl-Opt debug datEdit(*MDY/) option(*srcStmt:*noDebugIO) bndDir('MYAPP');
/if defined(*CRTBNDRPG)
Ctl-Opt dftActGrp(*no) actGrp('PGMBND');
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Op Codes $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Op Codes ************/
Code | Free-Form Syntax |
ACQ1 | ACQ{(E)} device-name workstn-file |
BEGSR | BEGSR subroutine-name |
CALLP | {CALLP{(EMR)}} name( {parm1{:parm2...}} ) |
CHAIN | CHAIN{(ENHMR)} search-arg file-or-record-name {data-structure} |
CLEAR | CLEAR {*NOKEY} {*ALL} name |
CLOSE | CLOSE{(E)} file-name |
COMMIT | COMMIT{(E)} {boundary} |
DEALLOC 1 | DEALLOC{(EN)} pointer-name |
DELETE | DELETE{(EHMR)} {search-arg} file-or-record-name |
DOU | DOU{(MR)} indicator-expression |
DOW | DOW{(MR)} indicator-expression |
DSPLY | DSPLY{(E)} {message {message-queue {response}}} |
DUMP1 | DUMP{(A)} {identifier} |
ELSEIF | ELSEIF{(MR)} indicator-expression |
ENDSR | ENDSR {return-point} |
EVAL | {EVAL{(HMR)}} result = expression |
EVALR | EVALR{(MR)} result = expression |
EVAL-CORR | EVAL-CORR{(EH)} target-ds = source-ds |
EXCEPT | EXCEPT {except-name} |
EXFMT | EXFMT{(E)} format-name {data-structure} |
EXSR | EXSR subroutine-name |
FEOD | FEOD{(EN)} file-name |
FOR | FOR{(MR)} index {= start} {BY increment} {TO|DOWNTO limit} |
FORCE | FORCE file-name |
IF | IF{(MR)} indicator-expression |
IN 1 | IN{(E)} {*LOCK} data-area-name |
NEXT1 | NEXT{(E)} program-device file-name |
ON-ERROR | ON-ERROR {exception-id1 {:exception-id2…}} |
ON-EXIT | ON-EXIT {status} |
OPEN | OPEN{(E)} file-name |
OUT1 | OUT{(E)} {*LOCK} data-area-name |
POST 1 | POST{(E)} {program-device} file-name |
READ | READ{(EN)} file-or-record-name {data-structure} |
READC | READC{(E)} record-name {data-structure} |
READE | READE{(ENHMR)} search-arg|*KEY file-or-record-name {data-structure} |
READP | READP{(EN)} name {data-structure} |
READPE | READPE{(ENHMR)} search-arg|*KEY file-or-record-name {data-structure} |
REL 1 | REL{(E)} program-device file-name |
RESET 1 | RESET{(E)} {*NOKEY} {*ALL} name |
RETURN | RETURN{(HMR)} expression |
SETGT | SETGT{(EHMR)} search-arg file-or-record-name |
SETLL | SETLL{(EHMR)} search-arg file-or-record-name |
SORTA | SORTA{(AD)} array-name or keyed-ds-array |
TEST 1 | TEST{(EDTZ)} {dtz-format} field-name |
UNLOCK 1 | UNLOCK{(E)} name |
UPDATE | UPDATE{(E)} file-or-record-name {data-structure|%FIELDS(name{:name...})} |
WHEN | WHEN{(MR)} indicator-expression |
WRITE | WRITE{(E)} file-or-record-name {data-structure} |
XML-INTO | XML-INTO{(EH)} target-or-handler xml-document |
XML-SAX | XML-SAX{(E)} handler xml-document |
The next table is a summary of the specifications for each operation code in traditional syntax.
Codes | Factor 1 | Factor 2 | Result Field | Resulting Indicators | ||
71-72 | 73-74 | 75-76 | ||||
ACQ (E7) | device-name | workstn-file | ER | |||
ADD (H) | Addend | Addend | Sum | + | - | Z |
ADDDUR (E) | Date/Time | Duration:Duration Code | Date/Time | ER | ||
ALLOC (E) | Length | Pointer | ER | |||
ANDxx | Comparand | Comparand | ||||
BEGSR | subroutine-name | |||||
BITOFF | Bit numbers | Character field | ||||
BITON | Bit numbers | Character field | ||||
CABxx | Comparand | Comparand | Label | HI | LO | EQ |
CALL (E) | Program name | Plist name | ER | LR | ||
CALLB (D E) | Procedure name or Procedure pointer | Plist name | ER | LR | ||
CALLP (E M/R) | name{ (parm1 {:parm2…}) } | |||||
CASxx | Comparand | Comparand | Subroutine name | HI | LO | EQ |
CAT (P) | Source string 1 | Source string 2:number of blanks | Target string | |||
CHAIN (E N) | search-arg | name (file or record format) | data-structure | NR2 | ER | |
CHECK (E) | Comparator String | Base String:start | Left-most Position(s) | ER | FD2 | |
CHECKR (E) | Comparator String | Base String:start | Right-most Position(s) | ER | FD2 | |
CLEAR | *NOKEY | *ALL | name (variable or record format) | |||
CLOSE (E) | file-name or *ALL | ER | ||||
COMMIT (E) | boundary | ER | ||||
COMP1 | Comparand | Comparand | HI | LO | EQ | |
DEALLOC (E/N) | pointer-name | ER | ||||
DEFINE | *LIKE | Referenced field | Defined field | |||
DEFINE | *DTAARA | External data area | Internal field | |||
DELETE (E) | search-arg | name (file or record format) | NR2 | ER | ||
DIV (H) | Dividend | Divisor | Quotient | + | - | Z |
DO | Starting value | Limit value | Index value | |||
DOU (M/R) | indicator-expression | |||||
DOUxx | Comparand | Comparand | ||||
DOW (M/R) | indicator-expression | |||||
DOWxx | Comparand | Comparand | ||||
DSPLY (E)4 | message | message-queue | response | ER | ||
DUMP (A) | identifier | |||||
ELSE | ||||||
ELSEIF (M/R) | indicator-expression | |||||
END | Increment value | |||||
ENDCS | ||||||
ENDDO | Increment value | |||||
ENDFOR | ||||||
ENDIF | ||||||
ENDMON | ||||||
ENDSL | ||||||
ENDSR | label | return-point | ||||
EVAL (H M/R) | Result = Expression | |||||
EVALR (M/R) | Result = Expression | |||||
EVAL-CORR | EVAL-CORR target-ds = source-ds | |||||
EXCEPT | except-name | |||||
EXFMT (E) | Record format-name | data-structure | ER | |||
EXSR | subroutine-name | |||||
EXTRCT (E) | Date/Time:Duration Code | Target Field | ER | |||
FEOD (EN) | file-name | ER | ||||
FOR | Index-name = start-value BY increment TO|DOWNTO limit | |||||
FORCE | file-name | |||||
GOTO | Label | |||||
IF (M/R) | indicator-expression | |||||
IFxx | Comparand | Comparand | ||||
IN (E) | *LOCK | data-area-name | ER | |||
ITER | ||||||
KFLD | Key field | |||||
KLIST | KLIST name | |||||
LEAVE | ||||||
LEAVESR | ||||||
LOOKUP1 (array) | Search argument | Array name | HI | LO | EQ6 | |
LOOKUP1 (table) | Search argument | Table name | Table name | HI | LO | EQ6 |
MHHZO | Source field | Target field | ||||
MHLZO | Source field | Target field | ||||
MLHZO | Source field | Target field | ||||
MLLZO | Source field | Target field | ||||
MONITOR | ||||||
MOVE (P) | Data Attributes | Source field | Target field | + | - | ZB |
MOVEA (P) | Source | Target | + | - | ZB | |
MOVEL (P) | Data Attributes | Source field | Target field | + | - | ZB |
MULT (H) | Multiplicand | Multiplier | Product | + | - | Z |
MVR | Remainder | + | - | Z | ||
NEXT (E) | program-device | file-name | ER | |||
OCCUR (E) | Occurrence value | Data structure | Occurrence value | ER | ||
ON-ERROR | Status codes | |||||
ON-EXIT | Status | |||||
OPEN (E) | file-name | ER | ||||
ORxx | Comparand | Comparand | ||||
OTHER | ||||||
OUT (E) | *LOCK | data-area-name | ER | |||
PARM | Target field | Source field | Parameter | |||
PLIST | PLIST name | |||||
POST (E)3 | program-device | file-name | INFDS name | ER | ||
READ (E N) | name (file or record format) | data- |
ER | EOF5 | ||
READC (E) | record-name | data- |
ER | EOF5 | ||
READE (E N) | search-arg | name (file or record format) | data- |
ER | EOF5 | |
READP (E N) | name (file or record format) | data- |
ER | BOF5 | ||
READPE (E N) | search-arg | name (file or record format) | data- |
ER | BOF5 | |
REALLOC (E) | Length | Pointer | ER | |||
REL (E) | program-device | file-name | ER | |||
RESET (E) | *NOKEY | *ALL | name (variable or record format) | ER | ||
RETURN (H M/R) | Expression | |||||
ROLBK (E) | ER | |||||
SCAN (E) | Comparator string:length | Base string:start | Left-most position(s) | ER | FD2 | |
SELECT | ||||||
SETGT (E) | search-arg | name (file or record format) | NR2 | ER | ||
SETLL (E) | search-arg | name (file or record format) | NR2 | ER | EQ6 | |
SETOFF1 | OF | OF | OF | |||
SETON1 | ON | ON | ON | |||
SHTDN | ON | |||||
SORTA (A/D) | array-name or keyed-ds-array | |||||
SQRT (H) | Value | Root | ||||
SUB (H) | Minuend | Subtrahend | Difference | + | - | Z |
SUBDUR (E) (duration) | Date/Time/ Timestamp | Date/Time/Timestamp | Duration: Duration Code | ER | ||
SUBDUR (E) (new date) | Date/Time/ Timestamp | Duration:Duration Code | Date/Time/ Timestamp | ER | ||
SUBST (E P) | Length to extract | Base string:start | Target string | ER | ||
TAG | Label | |||||
TEST (E)8 | Date/Time or Timestamp Field | ER | ||||
TEST (D E)8 | Date Format | Character or Numeric field | ER | |||
TEST (E T)8 | Time Format | Character or Numeric field | ER | |||
TEST (E Z)8 | Timestamp Format | Character or Numeric field | ER | |||
TESTB1 | Bit numbers | Character field | OF | ON | EQ | |
TESTN1 | Character field | NU | BN | BL | ||
TESTZ1 | Character field | AI | JR | XX | ||
TIME | Target field | |||||
UNLOCK (E) | name (file or data area) | ER | ||||
UPDATE (E) | name (file or record format) | data- |
ER | |||
WHEN (M/R) | indicator-expression | |||||
WHENxx | Comparand | Comparand | ||||
WRITE (E) | name (file or record format) | data- |
ER | EOF5 | ||
XFOOT (H) | Array name | Sum | + | - | Z | |
XLATE (E P) | From:To | String:start | Target String | ER | ||
XML-INTO | XML-INTO target-or-handler xml-document | |||||
XML-SAX | XML-SAX{(E)} handler xml-document | |||||
Z-ADD (H) | Addend | Sum | + | - | Z | |
Z-SUB (H) | Subtrahend | Difference | + | - | Z | |
dcl-Ds baseAddress template qualified;
street1 char(30);
street2 char(30);
city varchar(20);
state char(2) inz('MN');
zip char(5);
zipplus char(4);
dcl-Ds mailAddress likeds(baseAddress) inz(*likeDS);
===== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Code Samples $[/hdcolor$]=====
/*********** Code Samples ************/
Complete RPG-free program
ctl-opt option(*srcstmt) dftactgrp(*No);
dcl-ds employeeDS; // Nice to be able to have comments here!
firstName char(16) Inz('James');
lastname char(30) Inz('Joyce');
salary packed(7:2) Inz(12500);
// Define printer file and associated DS
dcl-f qprint printer(80); // This printer is program described
dcl-ds prtDs len(80) end-ds;
dsply ('Hello to our new employee');
dsply ( %TrimR(firstName) + ' ' + lastName );
prtDs = 'The name of our new employee is ' +
%TrimR(firstName) + ' ' + %TrimR(lastName) +
' his salary is $' + %Char(salary);
write qprint prtds;
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Data Structure $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Data Structure ************/
dcl-Ds APIError qualified;
bytesprovided int(10) inz(%size(APIError));
bytesavail int(10) inz(0);
msgid char(7);
*N char(1);
msgdata char(240);
%LOOKUP can now also search DS arrays
element = %LookUp( 'A123C': productInfo(*).productCode);
DS to remap numeric indicators
dcl-F Mod30101D workstn(*ext) usage(*input:*output) IndDs(WSI);
dcl-Ds WSI qualified;
F3Exit ind pos(3);
F5Refresh ind pos(5);
F12Cancel ind pos(12);
F23Delete ind pos(23);
pageDown ind pos(26);
pageUp ind pos(27);
errorInds char(10) pos(31);
enableDelete ind pos(41);
SFLInds char(3) pos(51);
SFLDsp ind pos(51);
SFLDspCtl ind pos(52);
SFLClr ind pos(53);
SFLNxtChg ind pos(54);
SFLPageDown ind pos(55);
SFLPageUp ind pos(56);
SFLProtect ind pos(57);
enableMsgSFL ind pos(91) inz(*on);
Instead of compile-time arrays (where the data is at the end of the pgm), use an initialized DS
dcl-Ds allMonths;
*N char(9) inz('January'); // *N = unnamed field
*N char(9) inz('February');
*N char(9) inz('March');
*N char(9) inz('April');
*N char(9) inz('May');
*N char(9) inz('June');
*N char(9) inz('July');
*N char(9) inz('August');
*N char(9) inz('September');
*N char(9) inz('October');
*N char(9) inz('November');
*N char(9) inz('December');
monthNames char(9) dim(12) pos(1);
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Sort a DS $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Sort a DS ************/
The (*) is the array being sorted. Doesn't mean much for a single DS, but you can sort nested arrays!
For i = 1 to %elem(products2);
SortA products2(i).salesByMonth(*).sales;
dcl-Ds products1 Dim(999) Qualified
productCode char(5)
description varchar(30)
totalSales packed(9:2)
qtyInStock packed(5:0)
SortA products1(*).totalSales;
SortA products1(*).description;
SortA(A) products1(*).totalSales; // Sort ascending sequence
SortA(D) products1(*).description; // Sort descending sequence
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Loop through a file $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Loop through a file ************/
setll k#plp50 plpyitms;
reade k#plp50 plpyitms;
dow NOT %eof(plpyitms);
chain k#plp15 plunitms;
if %found(plunitms);
exsr $date;
exsr $datep;
eval supn = supn15;
eval sref = sref15;
eval usert1 = 'Payment Run id#';
eval usert2 = 'Payment Reference #';
eval usert3 = 'Invoice #';
eval user1 = #pyrna;
eval user2 = pref50;
eval user3 = lref50;
eval btmt = %editc(bpmt50:'L');
eval usert4 = 'Payment Run Date';
eval user4 = docdp;
eval usert5 = 'System Identifier';
eval user5 = 'JBA';
write apccoutr;
reade k#plp50 plpyitms;
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Monitor for (and ignore) an error $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Monitor ************/
p#cono = 'D1';
today_date = %editc(%dec(%date():*cymd) : 'X');
p#fdat = %dec(today_date:7:0);
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]SQL Sample $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** SQL ************/
WHERE ORDN02=SUBSTRING(:Lda,349,7) AND DTLC02=9999999;
IF SqlCod=0;
// go to next step when po's found
ELSEIF SqlCod=100;
// if po's not found this is (probably) interactive - use LDA values
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Sample leave/iter $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Leave/Iter ************/
Chain (cono:cusn:dseq:catn) OEP70M17;
dow %Found(OEP70M17);
if lqty70 > 0;
eval(h) price3 = LVAL70/LQTY70;
eval lprc = price3;
reade (cono:cusn:dseq:catn) OEP70M17;
==== $[hdcolor $\yellow$\$]Sample Run a CL command inside RPG $[/hdcolor$]====
/*********** Run a CL inside RPG ************/
D Line1 50A CONST
D Line1 50A CONST
D CmdLen 15P 5 CONST