
About me

Hi, my name is Tom McArthur. I blog mostly about the Tree Tabs web browser extension, programming, Linux, Microsoft Excel, using the Opera web browser, and using DokuWiki (which is the “engine” that runs this blog).

I have been a programmer for 25+ years. I have been an IBM RPG programmer (RPG III, RPG IV, and RPG Free), an SQL Server programmer, a Lotus Notes/Domino programmer, and an Excel VBA programmer. I dabble in Linux shell scripting (bash), powershell, web development, and regex (regular expressions).

Linux comes in many different variations, known as 'flavors' or 'distributions' (usually abbreviated as 'distros'). I have used several distros, including Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, openSUSE, Linux Mint, Mageia, Fedora, and Lubuntu.

My email address is QQtomQQ<at>QQthomasmcaQQ<dot>QQcomQQ (remove the Q's, and replace <at> and <dot>).

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  • blog/about_me.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/02/09 01:27
  • by tom