
Special Keys Used in Autokey

The below table lists all the names used for special keys.

Keys String
LEFT <left>
RIGHT <right>
UP <up>
DOWN <down>
BACKSPACE <backspace>
TAB <tab>
SPACE (space character)
CONTROL <ctrl>
ALT <alt>
ALT_GR <alt_gr>
SHIFT <shift>
SUPER <super>
CAPSLOCK <capslock>
NUMLOCK <numlock>
SCROLL_LOCK <scroll_lock>
ESCAPE <escape>
INSERT <insert>
DELETE <delete>
HOME <home>
END <end>
PAGE_UP <page_up>
PAGE_DOWN <page_down>
F1-F12 <f1>-<f12>
PRINT_SCREEN <print_screen>
PAUSE <pause>
MENU <menu>
NP_INSERT <np_insert>
NP_DELETE <np_delete>
NP_HOME <np_home>
NP_END <np_end>
NP_PAGE_UP <np_page_up>
NP_PAGE_DOWN <np_page_down>
NP_LEFT <np_left>
NP_RIGHT <np_right>
NP_UP <np_up>
NP_DOWN <np_down>
NP_DIVIDE <np_divide>
NP_MULTIPLY <np_multiply>
NP_ADD <np_add>
NP_SUBTRACT <np_subtract>

To combine two keys use a + sign - e.g. to press Control+Esc use <ctrl>+<escape>

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  • blog/autokey.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/05/02 09:10
  • by tom